Thursday, July 30, 2009

Week 4: Note on Readability...

RE: Interactive Tech History Lesson - OLPC: Following in the Heritage of Logo & the MIT Media Lab

Since I am writing my thesis on the subject of technology accessibility, I feel obligated to point out usability issues as I come across them... The animated .GIF on the above referenced assignment description made it EXTREMELY difficult to read the posted text. I had to hold my hand up to the screen to block the image as I made my way through.

Additionally, according to the World Wide Web Consortium's (W3C) accessibility recommendations, web developers should take care not to include flashing images in the design of their websites as the practice has been known to trigger seizures (Guideline 2.3).

My thesis made me do it! :)

Image Credit: Screen shot taken from


  1. Interesting. You'll talk a bit more about accessibility next month. Truthfully, my use of the animated GIF was just a poor man's "moving images." Didn't mean to cause seizures (or did I?). I might move in the future to flash-based slide-show feature available with Flickr images. Or maybe I could switch all of my pages to look like this:

  2. LOL - no seizures here... not that seizures are a laughing matter. I've been so saturated with my thesis topic that I couldn't help but make a note... accessibility awareness is the first step towards more inclusive information technology!
