Thursday, July 30, 2009

Week 4: Response to Paul Martin


"Well, after a lot of mulling and thinking in motion. I finally feel like I’ve got a handle on this thesis idea. It was too broad and felt like an elephant on my back. My wife asked me if I had ‘gotten started’ on the thesis rough - by which she meant writing. When I said no, she about had a cow. Knowing how I think/operate after all of these classes on multiple intelligence theory and Jenkin’s brain based stuff and just living in this skin for as long as I have, I know that I had to get to this mental point before I started writing. If I forced this part of the process it would be much more stressful than watching the deadline loom closer and closer."


Getting into in good mental space is essential for writing, otherwise you waste a lot of time stuck in the "process" - Dragging yourself to the computer, tying yourself to the chair, glueing your fingers to the keyboard and focusing your eyes on the screen... Ready? Set... Write, rewrite, delete, repeat.

One of the biggest things I have struggled with in my own writing process is hypothesizing how much the average reader already knows about my topic - Technology Accessibility. Assume too much and you lose the reader by neglecting to adequately explain complex concepts/issues. Assume too little and you run the risk of boring the reader with too much unnecessary detail.

I have massaged and reworked my draft so many times the behavior could be diagnosed as obsessive. What I really need now is constructive feedback from our trusted thesis advisor... and not just grammatical/organizational stuff... I need someone to tell me if the whole thing makes sense!

Good luck Brother!

THURSDAY, JULY 30, 2009 - 07:38 PM


BALANCE IN MOTION, Paul Martin, retrieved on July 30, 2009

Image Credit: Screen shot taken of Paul Martin's Balance in Motion Blog on July 30, 2009

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